Where Peace Begins - The Affirmation Spot for Tuesday October 13, 2009

Check Out Our Cool New Affirmation Apps:
Check out our new affirmation apps for Apple devices or search i-mobilize on the iTunes store. The Affirmation Spot is developing these motivation apps in partnership with i-mobilize. Click an app to view it - Love Magnet, Sales Booster, Confidence Affirmation, or Full Body Scan.


Peace Affirmation: "Peace comes to my world one person at a time beginning with me!"It is my firm belief that 99% of the people who live on this planet get up every morning and have a desire to live in a peaceful world. They are not interested in struggle, strife, or violence. They want to live their lives, raise their children, and enjoy the richness of community.The problem that humanity faces is knowing how to get there. Where does this peaceful world emerge? How does it overcome centuries of hatred, constant advertiser pandering to selfishness, and greedy hearts? How do the great faiths and philosophies learn to share this planet together?S.N. Goenka is one of the great teachers of the Buddhist tradition of Vipassana - "Insight meditation". His message of non-sectarianism and universality is a beginning to the goals we all seek. Following is a brief excerpt from a speech he gave at a U.N. conference back in 2000. He speaks eloquently of the birthplace of peace in our world."Conversion," Goenka says, "should be from the impurity of the mind to purity of the mind."[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9S0AObjQfas]Stay inspired!Ray2009 Affirmation"This year I am absolutely committed to being the person I came here to be!"