Being Authentically You - The Affirmation Spot for Monday September 21, 2009

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The venerable jazz saxophonist Charlie Parker once said, "If you don't live it, it won't come out your horn." He was speaking of authenticity. It's an important quality for a musician and for someone - like you - seeking to get the most out of life.So what is authenticity? The short answer is being yourself or being the person you came here to be. Now I'm not talking about any kind of predestination. I am a strong believer that being yourself is a highly individual and choices-based pursuit.However, there are certain discoverable activities and life arenas that seem to call you and to which you are well-suited. The great mythologist Joseph Campbell referred to the process of finding and pursuing these activities as "following your bliss".The key to finding your bliss is to pay attention. Pay attention to those things in your life that both interest you and draw on your abilities. What do you do even when you're tired? What would you do even if nobody paid you? Before you know it you'll be living it and it will come out your horn.Here's an affirmation to get you going.Bliss Affirmation: "Today I find my bliss in the sweet spot where my talents and my passion merge to create magic in my life."Enjoy a little of Mr. Parker letting it come out his horn along with some other jazz greats.[youtube=]Be authentic! Be yourself! Follow your bliss!Ray2009 Affirmation"This year I am absolutely committed to being the person I came here to be!"