We Can and We Must Co-Exist on This Planet

Today’s Affirmation

Right this moment, I am choosing an open heart over a narrow mind.

Our world CAN live in unity. We have it within our power to live in peace with each other on this planet. Yet, too often, we choose conflict, anger, and violence. Humanity's destiny is not written in stone or in ancient texts. It’s written in our hearts, our words, and our choices every day. It is written in the way we think about each other, talk (or don't talk) to each other, and act towards each other. Fearful perceptions are reinforced, or loving awareness replaces the fear. The world remains stuck where it is or progresses towards a place, we all aspire to.

One of the biggest stressors in human relations is our differing ways of worship. For millennia we have fought and killed in the name of God. This was never a particularly wise or productive use of our human, intellectual, spiritual, and material treasure.

Today, more than ever, we face an increasingly clear choice to learn to get along and share this planet or to destroy ourselves. It really is that simple.

One simple mantra serves us well here...."Live and let live." Is our need to be right so powerful and so insistent that we risk destroying ourselves over it? Or can we reach a higher place where I live fully and freely according to my beliefs and allow you to do the same?

Stay inspired!


2009 Affirmation: This year I am absolutely committed to being the person I came here to be!