Be A Heretic for Your Dreams - The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday May 13, 2009

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."~ Albert Einsteineinstein2Do you have a great idea; a dream so big that it could change everything? This Einstein quote highlights his observation that those who bring real change are always met with resentment by the purveyors of the status quo.Throughout history, ideas that eventually gained wide acceptance were greeted with mistrust or as revolutionary or heresy. Those who conceived them have been called lunatics, heretics, and worse.The fact is that if you have an idea - no matter how great - that shakes up the status quo, you are going to encounter this force of resistance.Are you ready? Do you believe strongly enough in your idea, in your cause to be ridiculed and called heretic for it? Are you so committed to your path that you are willing to risk it all to see it through to fruition?Here are few famous failures to remind you that "the experts" don't always know what they are talking about.[youtube=]Believe in yourself. Believe in your idea. Believe in your vision of what can be! Proudly be a heretic for your idea and go for it! That's what has always changed the world.Be peaceful Be prosperous!
Rayanunnaki_cover_full_colorRay's new speculative fiction novel - Anunnaki Awakening: Revelation - is shaking paradigms among believers and non-believers. It's a clever mix of ancient knowledge, modern conspiracy, and page-turning excitement.One reader wrote, "(My) mind is officially blown!"Author Graham Hancock said, "We are a species with amnesia." This book begins the awakening. Is it fact? Is it fiction? You decide!