Had We The Faith of a Mustard Seed

Today's Affirmation

It is not the mountain I conquer, but myself. I am reaching for the top of the mountain and my day in the sun is here.
It is not the mountain you conquer, but yourself. You are reaching for the top of the mountain and your day in the sun is here.

Henry Ford once said, "Whether or not you believe you can do a thing, you're right." In the Book of Matthew, Jesus audaciously states, "Had you the faith of a mustard seed, you could command a mountain to be moved from here to there and it would be so."

Both statements clearly remind you and me that we have within us an astonishing capacity to do what would ordinarily be considered miraculous. In both instances, the fuel for the miracles is our belief.

I have often pondered this statement of Jesus and thought, "Ok, I believe it. I command the mountain to move." Immediately, even before I can get the words out, "common sense" enters my mind and says, "This is nonsense. The world does not work that way." Doubt has entered the picture. That's why Jesus started his statement with, "Had you the faith..."

In Buddhism, doubt is one of the "five hindrances" to wisdom and considered the most difficult to overcome. We live in a society that teaches us that doubt and mistrust are prerequisites for our own self-protection. I wonder if the doubt spread by this worldview is hindering us, individually and collectively? Is it limiting our ability to reach our personal goals and our collective goals as species?

Although easier said than done, if we could suspend our disbelief just long enough to allow a firm belief in ourselves and our potential to take root and flourish; we could begin bringing the miraculous into our lives.

Maybe we start with things smaller than mountains like succeeding in our career or strengthening our relationships or simply achieving peace of mind. Then, perhaps, we can tackle the mountain. But then as Edmund Hilary stated, "It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves."

How true! Everyone have a great day. Find a situation today to suspend your disbelief long enough to allow your miracle.

Stay inspired!
