Make Your "Can't List" - The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday March 4, 2009

Today's Affirmation:"Each and every day I am learning how magnificent life can be and how magnificent I can be." (Click the affirmation to add to your mp3 player)lightning11Here is a great exercise to help you identify those thoughts and habits that are holding you back. Make a 'Can't list".Why? Before you can really use affirmations or other tools to change negative or limiting thoughts, you have to know what those thoughts are. That allows you to target the specific thoughts that are holding you back in the activity or area of life you want to improve.It's easy to do. Over the next few days, do the following:

  1. Keep a notepad nearby.
  2. Pay attention to your thoughts and write down every "I can't" thought you have.
  3. Tick mark each thought to track how many times you have that thought.
  4. Track the circumstances when are having the thought.

After two or three days, review your list. Ask yourself the following questions.

  1. Is there a pattern? Are the thoughts focused on specific things?
  2. Do you have them in certain circumstances?
  3. Do they occur at certain parts of the day?
  4. Do they occur when you are tired or worked up?

The key is to become aware of what you are regularly telling yourself you cannot do. We often do not realize how many times a day we think "can't" or the impact that has on our ability to accomplish things.This will allow you to use affirmations to replace the can't thoughts with "can" thoughts. As your thoughts change, your actions change. As your actions change, your results change.Make your "Can't List" today so you can be on your way to your CAN!Stay inspired!Ray2009 Affirmation:"This year I am absolutely committed to being the person I came here to be!"