Our World is Our Creation - The Affirmation Spot for Tuesday December 16, 2008

Today's Affirmation:"Recession proof...I have the skills and the confidence to compete in a tough economy."(click the affirmation to hear it in mp3)earth_space1The world is not an accident. It is our creation. That's a pretty bold and, to some people, controversial statement. Controversial or not; it is the truth. Individually and collectively we are consciously or unconsciously creating the world where we live.There are four questions you need to answer to maximize your role in that conscious creation. Answering and living to these questions is not easy. If it was, we'd all be doing it. They are, however, worthy goals as we approach the new year.Question 1 - Are you creating your world consciously or unconsciously?Are you making conscious choices about the world you live in or are you allowing the world to happen to you? Are you simply cruising through on auto-pilot and "going with herd"? Are you falling in line with conventional wisdom even though you don't buy it for a minute? These behaviors lead to unconscious creation and unconscious creation is what creates so many of the problems in our world.Yes. The world is a better place when there is conscious democracy about its direction. It works better when you are making conscious choices about the world you are collectively creating with the other inhabitants of this planet. Conscious choices have the potential to create more desired results. Make the choice to be as consciously aware as possible of the world you are helping to create.Ask yourself: Are you consciously or unconsciously creating today?Question 2 - What are you choosing to create?When you understand that a consciously created world is a step up from an unconsciously created world you are left with the question of what kind of world to consciously create. Look around. Is the world what you would want it to be, if you had a say? The problems in our world are the result of two things - unconscious choices and negative conscious choices.Yes. If you want more happiness in the world, you need to choose to be more happy. If you want more peace, less war, closer families, cleaner energy, more freedom; then you have to make those choices. The world really is a mirror simply reflecting back to us the image of the choices we have made. If you want a different world, you have to make and help others to make different choices.Ask yourself:  If everyone impacted the world the way you do, would it be closer to the world you would choose to create?Question 3 - Have you been convinced that you have no power? Do you believe you can't fight city hall? Do you believe decisions of war and peace should be made by politicians because they know more about it than you? Do you believe matters of the spirit should be left to clergy because they have studied more than you? Do you believe the financial experts should run the economy because they are smarter about those things than you? Are you content to let someone else set the agenda?Worst of all, do you believe there is nothing you can do about it? Do you think you are the only one who feels this way? There are a thousand yous, a million yous, a billion yous out there in the world who could change things in a moment if only you recognized your power.Yes. The world is a better place when you feel empowered to truly participate. Don't let anyone tell you that you have no power to make change or make a difference. That is the biggest of the biggest lies. You have undiscovered, untapped talents and knowledge that can contribute. Never assume the experts know how to run the world.Ask yourself: Am I content to let others make the decisions or am I empowering myself to have a say and make a difference?Question 4 - Will you choose to participate?This is the only one of the four questions you have to answer for yourself. I can remind you to be conscious about the world you are helping to create. I can remind you to push for better solutions and a happier planet.  I can remind you that you are a powerful force that can make a difference in the world. I cannot, however, force you to act.What does acting mean? Do you have to run for office, make speeches, or write blogs? No. Acting is simply about really thinking about why you are here on this planet in this time and place. Finding your real purpose and passion and following it to its logical end.Joseph Campbell liked to label it, "following your bliss". Follow your bliss, dear reader! If you do that and every other person on this planet does that, I guarantee you that the first three questions will be rendered meaningless. We will have a conscious world full of empowered people making good choices.Ask yourself: What is my bliss? What brings me true happiness?When you find it move towards it immediately and we will see changes on this planet that we cannot even imagine now.Stay inspired!Ray