Who Are You? - The Affirmation Spot for Tuesday November 18, 2008

Today's Affirmation:"Each and every day I am learning how magnificent life can be and how magnificent I can be."(click the affirmation to hear it in mp3)Today's post may not apply to everyone. However, if, as you read it, you find it applies to you in many ways; here is your message. The time is now to empower yourself to find out who you truly are and let that person shine in the world.woman_confusedWho you are is not a clouded issue. Only your illusory perception of yourself and your life has made it seem so.  You have come to see yourself in terms of your limits.The roles you play, the masks you wear, and your feelings of separateness have all led you to conclude that you are weak, powerless, and alone. You have lived your life according to your fears rather than your dreams. You have come to deal with yourself and the world in terms of those limits and fears.You have erected so many layers of emotions and beliefs to prevent you from simply feeling what you feel and being who you are that you have lost touch with your true identity and purpose. You spend your life pretending and playing roles trying to be what your limited perception says you should be and, worse yet, what you think others want you to be.You limit your actions, your speech, and even your thoughts to playing these roles.  So controlled are things at every level that your words are pretend, your feelings are pretend, and even your actions are pretend.  You have isolated yourself from your true motives, goals, and purposes in this life. You don’t even know how you feel only how you think you should feel.If we can agree that something in this scenario does not match with who you truly desire to be, then we have a starting point for making changes that can lead to a happier life. The core issue is that somewhere along the way your right to create the self you desire was short-circuited by forces outside you and you bought into it. There is no shortage of people and institutions who are more than happy to help you create you in some image they believe will serve you.The truth is until you rid yourself of ALL of these systems and get down to the business of listening to your heart you will never really be you. The good news is that you have everything you need within you to claim your greatness and live with the authenticity that comes from being who you are.Stay inspired!Ray