Obama Wins: Long Election Ends on a Positive Note - The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday November 5, 2008

Today's Affirmation:"I believe in the future of humanity. I believe our species' most prosperous, peaceful, and enlightened times are ahead. I am living my life in a way that turns that belief into reality." (click the affirmation to hear it)"Yes we can!" After last night, who can honestly argue? If nothing else, Barack Obama's rise from unknown to the presidency proves that all is possible in The United States of America.Whatever your political leanings, last night was a breakthrough night that will be remembered by all Americans for generations. For a large segment of the population, the night was the realization of a seemingly unattainable dream. This is proof again that dreams do not rely on reason, but on our willingness to continue to pursue them.After more than 20 months and nearly $1 billion spent, the U.S. presidential election came to an historic end last night. Senator Barack Obama who inspired America's youngest voters and many others in a way not seen in decades, won an overwhelming victory over Senator John McCain.Current ResultsElectoral Results

  • Barack Obama 338 (349 from new outlets projecting Indiana for Obama)
  • John McCain 161

Popular vote

  • Barack Obama 62,531,378 (52%)
  • John McCain 55,446,011 (46%)

Support him or not, Mr. Obama's victory offers the hope of a new start for The United States. There is a chance to heal old wounds and move forward to something bigger and better for this country. There is a chance to restore American leadership on this planet in the positive way that can move it forward.It is a moment for celebration for new possibilities. How the President-elect will govern remains to be seen. Clearly, the challenges facing the nation are such that he cannot be granted the kind of blind support George W. Bush's followers granted the outgoing president.The country's needs demand that he really be a president of the people and not simply a new package for the same old top-down control. We have elected him, but the question remains who is Barack Obama?The expectations and the promise are as high as the challenges.This election is not about Barack Obama or John McCain. It is about the American people reasserting their will over a bipartisan government that has too often failed to heed the will of the people. It is up to all of us to ensure that is the ultimate outcome.Last night Mr. Obama began with an inspiring victory speech and Senator McCain gave a generous and gracious concession speech. Mr. McCain's speech did not douse the social fires intensified by the rhetoric of this campaign, but it was a strong and principled call for the nation to do so. The speech gave the nation a glimpse of the John McCain many Americans from all sides respect.The two speeches are below. Stay inspired!RayJohn McCain's Concession Speech from Phoenix.[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lcBt2a0LUyQ]Barack Obama's Victory Speech from Grant Park in Chicago.Obama Victory Speech (two parts)[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y11XTAh4V5Y&feature=iv&annotation_id=event_678460][youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bR88Ncsq6GM&feature=iv&annotation_id=event_92600]