It's About You - The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday September 17, 2008

I did an absolute no no in the blogging world today. I purposely tagged this article with the names of a number of famous people to shamelessly attract you to it. My reason will be clear in a moment.We are a culture that invests a lot of time and energy on fame and celebrity. We're obsessed with the latest fashions worn by stars and by stories of their luxurious lifestyles or tragic slips. We are obsessed with sports stars, movie stars, singing stars, and Dancing with the Stars.We'd never consider missing the big game. In fact, we'll rearrange our lives to watch it. But spend three hours quietly reflecting on our lives, where we are, and where we're going? Well, maybe we'll have time for that next week or next month or when we're older.You visited this article in the hopes of finding out some little tidbit about the celebrity you were searching. Instead, I'd like to hold up a mirror and remind you that your life is about you not about them.There is nothing wrong with diversions. In moderation, they are actually quite normal and healthy. The danger comes when they prevent us from doing the one thing we are here to do.The truth is you are here to learn about you. You are not here to be a follower; having your thoughts downloaded to you every day by talk radio or becoming a slave to this season's fashions. As long as you are, you will never be free.You are here to take the circumstances and abilities you have and make the most of them. You are here to express the uniqueness that no one else living on this planet can. You are here to think for yourself and be yourself.Here is a challenge. This week spend as much time on you as you do following sports scores, fashion, the music charts, or celebrity gossip. You may just rediscover this amazing person full of potential and ready to take on new dreams.Fame and celebrity, even for the few lucky enough to catch it, are a fieeting morning mist. You cannot grab it and hold it because the Sun burns it off in the blink of an eye.You, however, are substantial and worth time and effort you now put into other things.Stay inspired!Ray