Metta MEDITATION -Turning Your Positivity Outward

Step one in creating a positive world is to become more positive within. Your ability to create a more peaceful, centered self helps you contribute that kind energy in the world. Step two is to radiate that positive energy out into the world. One ancient practice allows you to do both simultaneously.

Some of my readers may be familiar with the meditation practice known as Metta. Metta is a Pali word generally translated into English as "lovingkindness". The word itself is derived from the ancient Sanskrit word Maitri.

Metta was first practiced by Buddhists, but the meditation has become popular with many other people for its ability to create a strong sense of well-being. While a standard seated position with legs crossed and back straight is recommended for meditation, you can easily do Metta sitting comfortably or even laying down. Any position is fine as long as you can maintain focused attention.

Metta meditation is an active meditation.Its purpose is to develop positive mental states within and then expand those positive mental states out into the world in concentric circles. Metta meditation is believed to create a peaceful environment and well, for lack of a better phrase, "positive vibes" in an area.

The practice wisely recognizes that you cannot spread peace, love, or kindness into the world until you have created it within yourself. Metta meditation begins with the self. The meditator usually quietly repeats or thinks a phrase (an affirmation) similar to:"May I be happy. May I be peaceful. May I be free from suffering."This continues until the meditator feels this assurance rising within. You want to continue until you reach the point where the phrase feels like:"I AM happy. I AM peaceful. I AM free from suffering."

If you are starting from a place of great distress in your life, you might spend several meditation sessions focused strictly bringing these feelings into reality for you. That's OK. Keep at it and soon you’ll experience these feelings more rapidly.

Having developed a sense of peace and loving-kindness within; you are now ready to share it with the world. Next, you focus on the person closest to you in your life - a spouse, a child, a parent. This is because this person is the next easiest person for you to feel these feelings towards.Transition to a phrase such as:"May April be happy. May April be peaceful. May April be free from suffering."As you say these words about your loved one, feel yourself sending these feelings of affection to them as you visualize them. Move on when you feel you have completely embraced your loved one with these thoughts.

Repeat this process through the following stages:

  1. You

  2. Closest loved one (someone you love deeply)

  3. Friend (someone you feel positive towards)

  4. Acquaintance (neutral feelings towards)

  5. Difficult person (someone you have negative feelings towards)

  6. Enemy (someone you have strong negative feelings towards)

  7. The world

You can include as many people as you wish, but maintain at least this minimal pattern.When you practice Metta regularly you begin to develop a more constant state of lovingkindness towards yourself and the world around you.

Back in my sales days, I used to include customers I knew I would be calling the next day. I cannot tell you how many times meetings, presentations, and closes went far more smoothly than expected after Metta meditations.

Metta is a way to take the positive you are developing within you and spread it out into the world. You may experience a new sense of peace for you, see old tensions with people in your life fade away, and even break down barriers with your most persistent "enemies".

You might even use the practice to dispel negative thoughts and feelings or develop a greater capacity for acceptance.I'm sharing this with you today because I have not practiced Metta regularly for several years. The benefits are so apparent I cannot imagine why. I am going to take up the practice again and I hope you might consider it too. Along with affirmations, Metta brought me up from some pretty low times.I know it can add value to your life and help you turn your positivity outward.

Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.
