The Power of Laughter - The Affirmation Spot for Saturday August 23, 2008

Today's thought is:"At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities."~ Jean Houston

When do you ever feel better than when you laugh? Laughter is one of the few human experiences that can - at least for the moment - make us forget and transcend any problem. In the moment of laughter, sadness, depression, stress, and worry are reduced to zero. It stands to reason that the more we laugh the less we experience these negative feelings and emotions.Scientific research shows that laughter has an array of health benefits from stress reduction to a reduced risk of heart attack.Laughter is a readily accessible transformational experience.  It does not require years of practice and techniques and can be entered into anytime and anywhere by our own choice.Beware! Laughter is contagious.[youtube=]Stay inspired!Ray offers downloadable mp3 affirmations for nearly every area of life - sports, sales, wealth and prosperity, health and fitness - to name just a few. Our library is growing all the time. Remember your fifth affirmation on each order is always free.