Possibilities and Options Abound!- The Affirmation Spot for Thursday August 21, 2008

Today's Affirmation:"I find opportunities everywhere I go." (audio version)

Possibilities and options abound! A gentle rain is falling in Kansas this evening. It's a rather cool night for mid August and the smell of the rain is strong. I always love these early glimpses of the coming Fall.Possibilities and options abound! The rain was not falling all in one place. It was falling everywhere. When the Sun comes up tomorrow it will not shine all of its light in one spot. It will shine equally on everything. Life is ubiquitous! It grows everywhere. Try to stop it. You can't.Possibilities and options abound! There is more than one way to do or think or feel about everything. In most cases, there is more than two ways. Why do we limit ourselves or allow others to limit our thinking?Possibilities and options abound! Life is a both/and not an either/or. Pay attention today to how many times your mind or someone else tries to tell you that the world is either this way or that way.Possibilities and options abound! When it happens, ask yourself, "If the rain falls everywhere, and the Sun shines everywhere, and life fills every empty space, why must I be so limited in my thoughts, feelings, or actions?"Possibilities and Options Abound! Either/or thinking really limits your options to one course. That way of thinking usually leaves you with one "perfect" option and one "terrible" option - a black and white decision. In other words, it leaves you with no choice.Possibilities and options abound! By moving beyond either/or thinking an entire colorful world of possibility emerges. A thousand maybes create a richer life than either/or ever could.Possibilities and options abound!Stay inspired!Ray
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