Why I Love The Olympics - The Affirmation Spot for Tuesday August 12, 2008

Today's Affirmation:"Learning helps me achieve my goals in life." (hear it)We are now headed into day 5 of these Beijing Olympics. As with every Olympics, there have been underdogs and upsets. The favorites have had their day as well.Michael Phelps continues setting record after record. Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh are dominating on the volleyball court. China's mens gymnastics won the expected gold medal. The world's second most populous nation claimed its first ever gold when India's Abhinav Bindra won the 10m air rifle title.Meanwhile, the US men's gymnastics team overcame adversity to win an unlikely bronze medal. Missing its two expected leaders - the Hamm brothers - the US men's gymnastics team rallied around the near-perfect performance by team leader Jonathan Horton to surprise everyone.What I love about the Olympics, though, is that it is all about the young people of the world pursuing their dreams with everything they have. In doing so, they are setting an example for us all. That more what our world should be about. We all have dreams. Your dreams may not involve putting in 16 hour days at the pool or in the gym. They may not mean going half-way around the world and performing while half the world watches.However, they are there; within you. They come to the surface in those moments when you wonder if you are on the right track. They are what you imagine your life would be...if only. As you watch these Olympics over the next two weeks, let them fuel your dreams. Let them spark your determination not to be denied in your quest to live the life you are here to live.Stay inspired!Ray 

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