Belief and Doubt - The Affirmation Spot for Thursday July 31, 2008

I believe! No two words are as powerful an affirmation as "I believe". No two words hold more promise or potential for positive change. No two words are a clearer declaration of your desire to step away from your current situation and towards your goals and dreams. When said strongly and with intention these two words send ripples out into the world and open the pathways to achievement.Oddly enough, belief is always born, grows, and must learn to flourish in the garden of doubt. Some people think that when they doubt they are somehow failing. They beat themselves up for feeling doubtful. The truth is that doubt is a welcome sign that you are moving forward.When people are stuck - not progressing their lives - they experience fear more than doubt. Fear paralyzes and prevents progress. Doubt is a reasonable response to the great uncertainty that is life. It is a sure sign that you are in movement and not static. It means you are engaging life and seeking an outcome.The key to reaching your goals and dreams is not to rid yourself of doubt. As long as you are human, you will know doubt. The key is to learn to experience it, accept it, and not let it stop you.When you make peace with your doubt instead of wasting your energy warring with it; you will find new clarity, new determination, and, yes, new belief to achieve the life you desire.Stay inspired!Ray offers downloadable mp3 affirmations for nearly every area of life - sports, sales, wealth and prosperity, health and fitness - to name just a few. Our library is growing all the time. Remember your fifth affirmation on each order is always free.  