Miracles I - The Blue Whale

Today's Affirmation

  • First person: I am in touch with nature. Every day I feel my feet touch the earth. I feel the wind fill my lungs. I feel the water bring life to every cell of my being. I feel the warm sunshine on my face. I am in touch with nature.

  • You are in touch with nature. Every day you feel your feet touch the earth. You feel the wind fill your lungs. You feel the water bring life to every cell of your being. You feel the warm sunshine on your face. You are in touch with nature.

There are so many amazing creatures that share this planet with us. I think we can safely count them as among the many miracles we experience in our world. They enrich our lives with their beauty and often leave us in awe. Today spend a few moments with one of them. The blue whale is the largest animal ever to live on Earth. This is from the BBC show Deep Blue. These animals are simply amazing. Look the miracles in your life today. Enjoy!

Stay inspired!
