I Know Something You Don't Know - You’re a Miracle
Today’s Affirmation
First person: My awareness is expanding beyond all boundaries I have ever set for myself. My resources are limitless, my abilities are limitless, my potential is limitless.
Second person: Your awareness is expanding beyond all boundaries you have ever set for yourself. Your resources are limitless, your abilities are limitless, your potential is limitless.
I know something you don't know. Come closer. It's the secret to unlocking your life. Don't question it. Allow it and accept it. It's the absolute truth and you need to hear it. You need to hear it and you need to deal with it.
YOU ARE A MIRACLE. Who you are transcends your body and the physical things around you. It transcends appearances, trends, and fads. It transcends anything you will do in your cube at work today.
YOU ARE A MIRACLE. Who you are transcends your belief in it. It transcends self-judgments, societal judgments, and the gravity of conformity. It transcends anything you will do at home today.
YOU ARE A MIRACLE. No matter where you've been, no matter what you've done, no matter how low life has taken you; it is still the truth. It's the truth for you and the truth for every single person sharing this planet with you today.
WE ALL ARE MIRACLES. Keep that in your heart and in your mind all day today.
Every time life tries to disempower you say, "I AM A MIRACLE." Treat yourself and others as miracle. Soon the world around you will become a miracle too.
Be peaceful Be positive Be prosperous!