Spring Arrives! - Spring Poems by Ray Davis

Today’s Affirmation

A new sense of purpose permeates my entire being. I am upbeat and moving toward my goals.
A new sense of purpose permeates your entire being. You are upbeat and moving toward your goals.


There's a feeling, an energy about Spring that is unmatched by any other season. Maybe it's the magic of birth and rebirth around us. Maybe it's the magic of birth and rebirth within us.

Finally, the vernal equinox - the astronomical event that signals the beginning of Spring is here. The equinox occurs when the Sun is positioned directly above the equator on its northward track that creates the warming of Earth's northern hemisphere.

The big event occurs early Thursday morning - 1:48 A.M. - eastern daylight time (EDT) in the United States or 6:48 A.M. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). To quote The Beatles, "It's been a long cold lonely winter." I'm ready! How about you?

Spring is my absolute favorite season. As the life returns to the world outside, I can feel the life swelling inside of me.Today I am sharing two short Spring poems.

I wrote "Springtime Moment" about 1991. It was inspired by a moment laying in a field on a warm spring day and taking in the moment. "Paradise" was written at about the same time. It was just one of those verses that appears in your head, and you write it down and slap your name on it.

May your first day of Spring in 2008 be filled with moments like the ones described in these poems.

 "Springtime Moment"

Spread out on the warm spring grass
staring at the vast blue sky;
conscious of my smallness.

In each cloud a vision,
sometimes objects sometimes faces
ever shifting their position.

Heavens slowly turning;
the curve of the world may be seen
by eyes cast upward in dreamy wondering.


Serene little sparrow calls
Finding hidden waterfalls
Napping near flowing streams
Dreaming timeless vernal dreams

Sitting, soaking quiet spaces
Seeking, finding all life's graces
Restful, thankful for this day
Simple blessings come my way.

Be peaceful Be positive Be prosperous!