I Think I Can, I Know I Can - The Affirmation Spot for Friday March 14, 2008

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Take your positive thoughts with you wherever you go. During the month of March Download any two mp3 affirmations from The Affirmation Spot.com and get a third mp3 affirmation free.There are no limits! Simply type the word "blog" into the coupon field at checkout. Thanks for getting your audio affirmations at The Affirmation Spot! Click here to view, hear excerpts, or download affirmations.Today’s featured affirmation is:

“It is not the mountain I conquer, but myself. I am reaching for the top of the mountain and my day in the sun is here."
Hear an audio mp3 version of this affirmation right now.

The Little Engine That Could (a Platt and Munk Classic)Many of you are familiar with famous 20th century children's story The Little Engine That Could.According to Wikipedia, it is unclear who originally wrote the story, but it appeared in the publication Wellsprings for Young People in 1906 under the title "Thinking One Can".  Four years later the story was published by The Daughters of the American Revolution. That same year, 1910, a version titled The Pony Engine written by Mary C. Jacobs appeared in The Kindergarten Review. (source wikipedia)As with much of the literature I was exposed to in my early years, I first read the book at my grandmother's house. Although I had no clue what an underdog was then, I was loved the idea that someone who was told they could not do something did it.For those not familiar with the story, a long train has to be pulled over a large hill. Several anthropomorphized large engines refuse the task because they believe it impossible. However, one little engine volunteers to attempt. As the little engine builds steam going up the hill, it begins saying, "I think I can....I think I can....I think I can." Finally, reaching the crest of the hill The Little Engine begins saying, "I know I can...I know I can...I know I can." The Little Engine succeeds demonstrating the benefits of thinking positively.This story is simple and childlike. Most wisdom is.Look around and realize that every human-made thing you see began with an idea and the statement, "I think I can." Very little has ever been accomplished by someone saying to themselves, "I don't think I can." Oh, occasionally a pessimist may succeed at something; proving the statement that even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while.By and large, though, if you want to succeed in life - live your dreams, accomplish great things, build something, write something, leave your mark - you must attain the mindset, "I think I can." You won't have it every minute of every day. Doubt is part of life.  However, if you can get that mindset most of the time, success follows. As success grows on success, your "I think I can" mindset transitions into an "I know I can mindset". When you get to that point you're off to the races.Now that you have children or grandchildren don't forget this classic. Do what you can to instill in them an optimistic outlook on life. By helping them now, you prevent them from having to build it from scratch later in life.Be peaceful Be prosperous Be positive!RayThe Affirmation Spot.com

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