9 Reasons MP3 Affirmations Rock - The Affirmation Spot for Tuesday March 11, 2008

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ray_launchpad.jpgYour Fifth Affirmation Per Order Free!

Take your positive thoughts with you wherever you go. Your 5th affirmation on each order is always free when you type five in the coupon field at checkout. There are no limits! Thanks for getting your audio affirmations at The Affirmation Spot! Click here to view, hear excerpts, or download affirmations.Today's Affirmation:"I believe wholeheartedly that I am part of the solution in my life and in my world." (Click the affirmation to hear the mp3 version)

Over the past several months, I've been conducting an Internet survey on how people use affirmations. My goal is eventually to use the research to write a book about affirmations.I've been a little surprised by the results of the survey. Only 43% of people who use affirmations report that they are using some form of audio affirmation. Of those using audio affirmations, less than half are making use of mp3 affirmations. That means only 18% of affirmation users are taking advantage of the MP3 format.The proliferation of iPods, MP3 players, and MP3-capable cell phones makes it easier than ever to take affirmations and positive thoughts with you wherever you go and use them whenever you want. The great part is that you don't even have to have an MP3 player or iPod to take advantage of it.But why audio affirmations and specifically MP3 affirmations?9 Reasons MP3 Affirmations Rock!

  1. Play flexibility - as compared to other audio formats, MP3 affirmations are the most flexible. They can be played on an array devices - iPods, MP3 players, MP3-capable cell phones, MP3-capable PDAs, your computer, or even burned to a CD - while tapes and CDs are limited to devices capable of playing them.
  2. Select flexibility - MP3 affirmations are often available as individual tracks. This allows you to select only the specific affirmations you want rather than having to pay for affirmations you will never use.
  3. Save money - as compared with any other types of audio affirmations, MP3 downloads save money. They can often be purchased as individual downloads like a song from iTunes rather than as expensive packages.
  4. Mirror negative information - audio affirmations mirror the way you get most of your negative information (through sound). Audio affirmations directly counter the negative audio information that accumulates as you go through the day.
  5. Save time - audio affirmations - unlike read affirmations, visualization board affirmations, subliminal software, and spoken affirmations - do not require you to set aside time to use them. Your full concentration is not required. They are perfect for multi-tasking. I often listen to affirmations while I'm working, exercising, or doing other activities. In fact, I find this kind of passive listening some of the most beneficial. You absorb the affirmations the way you absorb words to a song you didn't even know you were listening to it.
  6. Increase enjoyment - listening to affirmations can be very enjoyable. This is especially true when they are set to music. You can easily create an affirmation playlists on your MP3 player or your computer's media player or mix the affirmations in with your regular music playlists for added motivation.
  7. Privacy - with headphones audio affirmations can be used virtually anywhere without anyone else knowing what you are doing. Again, other affirmations forms do not lend themselves to this kind of privacy. Books, websites, and computer screens can all give away what you are doing.
  8. Use anywhere - with the previously mentioned portable devices, your affirmations can go with you to be used exactly when and where you need them. Take your affirmations into the locker room before the big game. Listen to them on the way to the big sales call or even while you wait for your meeting. Listen to them when you're relaxing in the hammock. Absorb your affirmations along with "the sun" while tanning. Anyplace your portable device goes, your affirmations can follow.
  9. Better for the Environment - MP3 downloads have one very specific advantage over their CD, DVD, and cassette tape counterparts. They are far more environmentally friendly. Read this article describing the impact digital media - their production and disposal - has on the environment. Downloadable MP3 affirmations are "the green way" to get your affirmations.

The MP3 revolution can make your affirmations more effective, easier to use, and less expensive. Are you taking advantage of it?Be peaceful Be prosperous!RayThe Affirmation Spot.com

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Link to this blog entry:The tracback url for this blog is: http://theaffirmationspot.wordpress.com/2008/03/11/9-reasons-mp3-affirmations-rock-the-affirmation-spot-for-tuesday-march-11-2008/