What is Your Dream Vacation? - The Affirmation Spot Saturday Survey February 8, 2008

copy-of-ray_hawaii1.jpgWhat Ray's reading right now:

The Power of Kindness: The Unexpected Benefits of Leading a Compassionate Life

Today's affirmation is:
"Today I am one day closer to my dream vacation in _____________!"

Fill in the blank with your vacation destination and keep this affirmation with you everywhere you go the next few weeks. If you've already planned your trip, the affirmation will help you remember it is getting closer. If you have not planned your trip, the affirmation keeps that dream in front of you and helps you attract the opportunity into your life.
Kailua-Kona Hawaii
The Saturday Positive Thinking Survey gives readers of The Affirmation Spot an opportunity to express their views on a survey question related to positive thinking or positive change.


This week's question

If money and time were not an issue, where in the world would you go on vacation right now? Have you been there before? Why is this your dream vacation?
Your Answer
Share your dream vacation by leaving your comment here.

My Answer

ray_kona.jpgLast March my wife and I were fortunate enough to take our first trip to Hawaii.  We expected to enjoy ourselves, but we were unprepared for the unbelievable beauty of the place and the feelings it evoked in both of us.
So, this April we are making a return trip. Last year we sailed aboard NCL's Pride of Hawaii. That ship was reassigned to the Mediterranean Sea.This year we will be aboard Pride of America. Cruising is a fantastic way to see Hawaii. You travel at night. When you awake in the morning you've arrived at your next destination.
It gives you a chance to get a taste of each of the islands.For months after our first trip, I would close my eyes and see the incredible blue water off Kona or have a brief memory of our two mile trek across the lava fields to see "the newest land on earth." I think often about the miles and miles of gorgeous beaches on Maui and the unspoiled wonder of the Nipali Coast.
Perhaps the most amazing place was the Pu'uhonua o Honaunau National Historic Park. In ancient times, it was known as the "Place of Refuge". When someone was condemned to death their sentence was commuted if they could make it to this sacred place alive. Today this part of the Kona coast is definitely a refuge for the soul.
We are so looking forward to the return visit. After last year's trip, we decided to make it a goal to move to Hawaii one day. This year's trip will determine if we just had a crush or if it is true love. We're pretty sure we already know!
This year I plan to blog from the ship during our trip. So I can share our Hawaii experience with readers of the blog.

View last week's questionBe Peaceful Be prosperous!
RayMP3 Audio Travel Affirmations

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Link to this blog entry:The tracback url for this blog is: http://theaffirmationspot.wordpress.com/2008/02/09/what-is-your-dream-vacation-the-affirmation-spot-saturday-survey-february-8-2008/