Metta and The Monk - The Affirmation Spot for Thursday January 24, 2008

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Today's affirmation is actually a version of a Buddhist meditation called Metta (loving-kindness). This meditation is practiced by directing the following words at yourself. Then spreading them to loved ones and people towards whom you have positive feelings. Then applying them to people that you are neutral towards. Finally, you direct the meditation towards people you view negatively - enemies or people who have hurt you in life.
In my own practice, I have also expanded it to include all people and living things on the Earth and all living things where ever they may exist in the universe. Back in my days as a sales professional, I also would direct this meditation particularly at the customers I planned to call on the next day. It had an uncanny way of opening doors where they appeared to be closed.
"May I be happy. May I be peaceful. May I be free from suffering." "May (fill in the name) be happy. May (fill in the name) be peaceful. May (fill in the name) be free from suffering."
cave.jpgToday's post is a random meandering from a few years ago. During my own meditations, this image of a monk sitting in the entrance to a cave kept appearing. He just sat there playing this old flute and meditating on the sound. He seemed to be communicating with me without saying anything.

How wonderful to remember that there are people out there who spend every waking moment hoping and believing in what the rest of us are capable of becoming.
"The Monk"

Gongs echo in the darkness of the valley below;one hour to sun up.Against the mouth of a mountain cave sits a solitary monk;meditating on the sound of his weathered flute.
Clothed in tattered robe that once was of yellow tint;he owns nothing in this worldbut the peace of mindborn of transcendent joy.
Each morning at this very time he prays with every breath;that those of us in the world belowwould give up our anger, greed, and hatredand be transformed by the profound bliss he knows.

Be peaceful Be prosperous!

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