Reflections on 2007 - 2008 New Year’s Blog

Today's affirmation is:

I give up the old and gather its wisdom as I pursue the opportunity of the new.


The passing of one year into the next is another manifestation of the eternal symbology of death being the source of new life.New Year's Eve is a day to look forward to a new year. Everyone is excited and filled with hope for a fresh start. It is also a day for reflection. In the rush forward, you may forget to appreciate the blessings and lessons gained in the passing year. I hope you will take a few moments today to reflect on the wonderful things that happened for you in 2007.

Here are a 10 ideas for remembering the good, the positive, and hopeful from 2007.

  1. Growth - think how you have grown as a person in the past year. Consider all the new things you have learned about the world, about yourself, and about this crazy journey called life.

  2. Challenges - think of the challenges you faced and overcame this year. Remember how courageous and strong you are when you need to be. Use that strength to face new challenges.

  3. Dreams - think about the dreams you dreamed this year. Continue pursuing the ones you have begun to follow. Renew your commitment to pursue the ones that never got started.

  4. Lessons learned - think about the life lessons learned or relearned in 2007. Be grateful for the benefits these lessons bring to your life.

  5. Entering people - think about the new people who came into your life in 2007. Be thankful the gift of their friendship and for the possibilities opened for the future. 

  6. Exiting people - think about the people who left your life in 2007. For whatever reason, your time with them is at an end or at least a standstill. Remember the joy of your time together. Use what you learned from the relationship to be a stronger person.

  7. Career - think of all you accomplished on the job this year. Think how your career moved forward in 2007. Think about the opportunities now open to you as a result.

  8. Spirituality - think of the spiritual growth you enjoyed this year. Forgive yourself the faults and focus on how you have improved. 

  9. Worries - think about the things you were worried about this time last year. How many of them actually happened? How many can you actually even remember? Let this be a lesson for the worries you hold going into 2008. Worries seem bigger than they really are. Many melt away in the heat of the day.

  10. Connection - think of the times this past year when you felt connection - to other people, to nature, to ebb and flow that is life. Remember the peace, the quietude, the knowing you experienced in those moments. Make it a goal in 2008 to bring more of those moments into your life.  

Stay inspired!