Give The Gift of Positive This Holiday Season - The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday December 5, 2007
Wednesday greetings,Today I am going to shamlessly promote a series of affirmations that I am very proud of. The holidays are coming, why not give your friends, your family, and yourself the gift of positive?I am pleased to announce that The Affirmation Spot's My World affirmations, our most popular series, are now available as a single downloadable zip file. This series includes 11 affirmations that inspire you to envision and choose a more positive world in many areas of your life. Each affirmation comes in three varieties which means you actually get 33 different affirmations.These affirmations were designed to be used in tandem and to address multiple areas of your life. These affirmations are a part of my personal daily routine. I have found them to be very effective at getting me pumped and ready to go for the day or a big event.The three varieties are: Exercise version - set to an inspring piece of music entitled To Fly With A Dream, this version of the affirmations are designed specifcally for times of activity such as during exercise. Listen while jogging, biking, lifting, or any other strenuous activity. This version are recorded a slightly higher volume to handle noisy situations.Relaxation version - set to a beautiful guitar piece called Ponce's Preludo in E Major, the relaxation version of the affirmations are designed for times of relaxation, meditation, or as background during work. Listen while meditating, relaxing, before bed, first thing in the morning, or at other times when you want to relax. This version is recorded at a slightly reduced volume for quiet times.No music version - allows you to listen to the affirmations without music or add your own. Best of all, you download the files once and you are then free to send them to as many people as you like. In fact, I want you to spread them around. Give them to clients, friends, or colleagues. Embed them in PowerPoint presentations or e-cards. Use them as a background for your website or blog. The possibilities are endless.Downloading the entire series also saves you time and money by allowing you to download a single file while saving you 60% as compared with downloading all 33 affirmations individually. You can listen to the affirmations on computer, burn them to a CD, or play them on your MP3 player or iPod.Thank you for the continued support and words of encouragement for The Affirmation Spot and what we are doing. It is my sincere hope that you, your friends, and your family will find these affirmations a helpful tool for creating a fantastic 2008! Download My World Affirmations Series Peace...RayThe Affirmation Spot The tracback url for this blog is:
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