A Traveling Poem - The Affirmation Spot for Wednesday November 21, 2007

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airplane2_rs.jpgThe week of Thanksgiving, they say, is the busiest travel week of the year. Millions of Americans are traveling to be with family for the holiday.However, millions more are going to be separated from their loved ones this weekend. Some for financial reasons. Others because they or their loved one is serving the nation in Iraq, Afghanistan, or somewhere else around the world. Still others, because of emotional distances that separated family or friends over time.I wrote the following poem a few years ago when my wife was on the road for business nearly every week. Occasionally, I still send the poem to her...just because. It speaks to the distance between us when we are separate, but affirms that no number of miles can ever truly keep us apart when we are connected at the speed of love.If you're going to be separated from someone you love this weekend, I hope you'll send this poem to them as a reminder that you are thinking about them.Enjoy the poem and your Thanksgivinglove1.jpg“A Traveling Poem”Even when you’re far away,My heart is still nearby.Even if the world should fall,not a thing could break our tie.There is nothing of time or spacewithin our special bond.It transcends all the eye can see;born of truths that lie beyond.Take my love with you todayand know that I’m right here.When, tomorrow, we meet again,in my heart you’ll be more dear.  Peace...RayThe Affirmation Spot.comThe tracback url for this blog is: http://theaffirmationspot.wordpress.com/2007/11/21/a-traveling-poem-the-affirmation-spot-for-wednesday-november-21-20079-2007/Health Blogs - BlogCatalog Blog Directory Blog Directory & Search engine Bloglisting.net - The internets fastest growing blog directory Add to Technorati Favorites add to del.icio.us :: Add to Blinkslist :: add to furl :: Digg it :: add to ma.gnolia :: Stumble It! :: add to simpy :: seed the vine :: :: :: TailRank