The Universe Rewards Action - Action Begins with Thoughts and Words

Today’s Affirmation

Today I turn my thought into words, my words into action, and my action into results.

A very, very pleasant Wednesday morning to everyone.

As some of you are aware, in addition to The Affirmation Spot, I write sales training for a Fortune 50 company. This week I have been in New York for the pilot of new sales manager workshop we developed.

One of my colleagues - known for his ability to turn a phrase - provided an aphorism for the managers this week.

It's true, you know. That’s how affirmations can help. Affirmations are about encouraging and reinforcing the thoughts that inspire action, improve the results of action, and help you stay committed to the actions that will create the life you seek. Thoughts are the foundation of words and words of action.

What you think about you talk about. Although you don't always follow through on what you talk about, you always begin by verbalizing the things you wind up doing.

Thoughts > Words > Action > Reward

If the Universe rewards action and you know that certain action is more apt to materialize your dreams, why not begin taking the action today? The sooner you act the sooner you can expect to begin seeing results!

Make it a great Wednesday. It is the only one you have all week!
