A Japanese Proverb and a British Challenge - The Affirmation Spot for Saturday October 27, 2007

A wonderful Saturday to everyone!Today I'd intended to share a Japanese affirmation about not giving up. While looking for the exact quote, I came across a Japanese proverb that ties in nicely with a YouTube challenge from a young man in England.They complement each other so well that I decided to combine them and make today's blog truly global.  I found the Japanese proverb at Quotationspage.com. It reads: "One kind word can warm three winter months." This proverb is a testament to the fact that small things can make a big positive  difference in the world. We sometimes get caught up in how much work is involved in changing the world and can become paralyzed by the size of the task. This proverb reminds us that we don't have to change the whole world to make it better. A simple word can brighten a day or even a whole winter. We only need look as far as our own experience to confirm this wisdom. We've all had someone do something very small for us, at one time or another, that really made our day. We don't always have to move the whole mountain. Simply removing the pebble from someone's shoe is enough. That brings me to our young friend in England. His YouTube handle is JohnnyDurham19. In March of 2007, he posted a fantastic challenge to people on YouTube, but you don't have to be a YouTuber to follow his suggestion.Watch the video.  Think about the Japanese proverb. Together we can all remove a few pebbles from the shoes of our fellow human beings today and make the world a brighter place for everyone.Have a peaceful Saturday!Ray The Affirmation Spot.com New affirmations are available in the Sales, Personal Empowerment, Football, and Arts sections of the website.Health Blogs - BlogCatalog Blog Directory Blog Directory & Search engine Bloglisting.net - The internets fastest growing blog directoryAdd to Technorati Favorites