Believe! - The Affirmation Spot for Monday October 8, 2007

Today's affirmation is one word: "Believe!"

I am blogging this week from Orlando, Florida. My wife (April) has a business conference here at the end of this week and we decided to make a vacation of it. Living in Kansas, as we do, we jump on any chance to get near an ocean. The Pacific is our preference, but we'll take any ocean

.Today we went to Sea World Orlando and first thing this morning we attended Killer Whale show. The show was entitled "Believe.”

They built a show around video set to music about a boy who loves killer whales and dreams of working with them. There are scenes of him going to the beach and having an encounter with one while kayaking, creating wood cuttings of the whales, and studying about them. The theme was if you believe you can achieve or become anything.

I was sitting there thinking, "That really is a truism." That's not to say opportunity comes knocking on the door of those who don't make the effort, or that you won't have to work, or that there won't be bumps along the way. It might require many years of work and sacrifice, but at the end of the day the only person on this planet who can limit you is you. if you want something badly enough, you can have it.

The world works on a common principle thought > words > action > results. It's not a 100%. Nothing is. But everything that has ever been accomplished, happened as the result of this formula. Belief is the result of focused thoughts, followed by an articulation of goals, followed by committed action. The more you continue to think about your goals, speak about them, and act upon them; the stronger the belief becomes and the more likely you are going to achieve the desired result.

Belief is one part emotion, one part intellect, and one part commitment. Deny your tendency, if you have it, to ignore emotion or intellect. Both are needed to fully pursue your dreams. This week you can begin by believing. You might be surprised how much you can change your world in one week just by believing

!Make today peaceful, positive, and prosperous Monday. Most of all believe!
