Challenges to Changing the World - Affirmation for Friday August 17. 2007
Today's Affirmation:
“I make my world. My world is what I make of it and I choose to make it a just place to be.”
Someone recently asked me what I thought some of the biggest challenges are to changing the planet. I think among the greatest challenges we face in changing the world (at least in the United States) is our federal government and the mainstream media. Motives are always difficult to infer, but results can be analyzed.It has become clear to me is that there are people in powerful places who a vested interest in keeping all of us divided, disempowered, and dependent upon them. The biggest tranquilizer they use to keep us frozen is fear.Certainly, there are individuals in this world who seek to terrorize others, there is a global warming trend happening, and there is always the threat of a global pandemic.However, our friends in government and the media like to seize on these realities, magnify them immensely, and use them as a mechanism of control. This can only happen when people respond with irrational fear. If we can train ourselves to take the next step and ask the next question; we can return reason, wisdom, and thoughtfulness to the discussion of these issues. We can determine just and sound courses of action.My own feeling is that, if we are to unite and change the world, we first have to empower ourselves by taking back control of our own thought processes and not allow them to be manipulated by the constant influx of fear-mongering that streams into our consciousness 24/7.This constant diet of fear warps our minds towards isolation and makes it impossible to evaluate real threats. It also creates dissention and dehumanizes other people and groups by globalizing the threat represented by a few.I think being a strong, empowered individual is the first step towards uniting to change the world. Without that element, we are simply a large group of disempowered dependents clinging to each other in a world we do not believe we have the power to change.The second thing we need is compassion. We have to understand that even after we "get it" not everyone else is going to right away. It is easy to become frustrated at the pace of change and give up. We have to allow others to wake up at their own pace. You cannot force these things and sometimes trying only makes it worse. If we are the master of our own thoughts, empowered, and compassionate, we can, indeed, change the world. We can be our own person and not get caught up in "The Matrix" being spun every day by our leaders in government and the media.Follow your bliss. Experience your bliss. Become your bliss.RayRay Davis is the Founder of The Affirmation Spot and the author of Anunnaki Awakening: Revelation - order your signed copy today at He advocates for the potential of the human race. He's life-long history buff and holds a B.S. in History Education. He's always been fascinated by alternative views of history.
Anunnaki Awakening: Revelation is turning heads and opening minds. Humanity's past is checkered, secret, and dangerous.White House Correspondent Maria Love is on to the story of her life and with the help of an Anunnaki leaders seeks to unravel and reveal history's biggest conspiracy. The Awakening has begun!