Welcome to The Affirmation Spot Blog

Ray at Cannon Beach, Oregon

My name is Ray Davis and I am the founder of The Affirmation Spot. The concept for my website is to be the iTunes(TM) of positive thinking. Eventually, the site will offer thousands of affirmations in hundreds of categories. We're not quite there right now, but the site will officially launch on Saturday September 1, 2007 and continue to build from there.

I've been writing and recording affirmations, meditations, and other positive thinking tools for more than 15 years. I used affirmations to help me vault from my deathbed at 25 to a full life including a wonderful family, a business, a succesful career. I've seen first-hand the difference they can make in attitude and performance in life.

This blog will not be strictly affirmations, however. I am also a writer and a poet. I will post samples of my writing and that of others. I may move around from inspirational thoughts to politics. Everything you read here will have a firm bias towards concepts that empower the individual human being to live freely and to follow his or her dreams.

