You Might Have to Be Gullible to Be Great

There are times, when you’re seeking to achieve great things, that you must suspend disbelief. You must go out on a limb, on a whim, and follow the dream wherever it takes you.

Many people simply lack the fortitude to be that vulnerable. They’re petrified of being seen as gullible. So, they swallow their dreams and push back against their potential and their possibility. They abandon hope for a better life or a better world all to satisfy their “play-it-safe” mentality.

They’ve given up dreaming because dreaming risks disappointment, the embarrassment of failure, or exposing them as a gullible dreamer unaware of the many perils involved in trying to improve things.

So, people play their normative games, maintain their normative mindsets, and make their normative excuses to justify keeping themselves and the world just as it is.

That’s not me. It’s never been me. I hope it’s not you either. The world needs a few more people willing to be gullible enough to believe that things don’t have to stay as they are just to keep small thinkers happy.

Ordinary thinking will not lead to your greatest self. Greatness comes to those gullible enough to believe better is possible.

Just in case no one else reminded you today, you’re awesome!


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