Quotes for Overcoming the Status Quo

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Most of us know the status quo cannot continue. Our species and our planet are reaching a point of decision. Will we allow our habitual ways of doing things, seeing things, and thinking about things continue to lead us toward disaster and dystopia? Or will we commit ourselves to a new reality, to embracing bigger ideas, and broader visions? Over the years I've been inspired to pen quotes and affirmations about shaking the status quo from our eyes. Here are a few. I hope you'll find them useful in reminding you to fight on for the better, more just, more transparent world we all know exists out there for us.
  1. The justifications for the status quo are crumbling. We are entering a time when powerful thought and action will unleash new possibilities.
  2. What is is, but that doesn't mean it's what has to be.
  3. Are you a status quo shaker? They were: Jesus, Martin Luther King, Jr., Buddha, Gandhi, Galileo, Einstein, Tesla. Good company.
  4. We must challenge the status quo or become it.
  5. The status quo is utterly inadequate as a measuring stick for the possible.
  6. The status quo is a powerful drug, but every day is a rehab of new possibilities.
  7. The status quo seems big, scary and permanent until you remember the long line of previous status quos it replaced.
  8. If questioning what is shakes the status quo, then shake, shake away!
  9. A willingness to grow requires a willingness to question the status quo.
  10. The status quo is nothing more than habits and habits can be changed.
  11. The status quo is nothing but a persistently reinforced myth. All remains possible!
  12. The status quo has a strong gravity. Change is created by those with the passion to reach escape velocity.
  13. Hearts that long to know are satisfied beyond the horizon of the status quo.
  14. We created the status quo and it is we who must change it.
  15. The power of the status quo over us lies in our fear of letting go. Letting go opens us to new worlds.
  16. Disruption for the sake of disruption is wasteful. When you disrupt, disrupt for the common good.
  17. Big things can happen for humanity when we move our small thinking out of the way.
  18. Every great achievement began as a small thought in the mind of someone who partly doubted it, but acted anyway.
  19. Be constantly unbuilding the box they would build around you.
  20. To be a fully conscious human being, is to refuse to live in the chains of someone else's paradigm for you.
  21. Thought by thought and brick by brick, we are building a world made of things bigger than our differences.
  Here's the question. Do you believe in your dream enough to risk the disapproval of the status quo? Everything depends on that. Keep seeking. Keep questioning.


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