Friday Sales Affirmations


Friday is the final day of the traditional western work week. Therefore it’s a day that may constitute a completion of your week or a day that becomes a cruise home day. These affirmations keep you focused on making Friday count.

  1. Friday is one-seventh of my life. I always make the most of it!

  2. Friday is my day! I always finish strong!

  3. While my competition cruises on Friday, I am gaining ground.

  4. When i win Friday, I win my week!

  5. Friday is my day because I always finish what I start.

  6. I AM a Friday person!

  7. I AM a Friday success!

  8. I AM a Friday winner!

  9. I complete my week feeling good about what I accomplished!

  10. I complete my week knowing I am a better person than I started on Monday.

You’ve got this!
